A Comprehensive Guide on Outsourcing Mobile Game Development

By: Polymator InteractiveMay 12, 2023

Mobile Gaming Industry is one of the world’s most extensive entertainment & profitable industries, projected to cross the US$180bn mark by the end of 2023. These astonishing figures and users demanding various genres of games are encouraging game development start-ups to make their mobile gaming apps. 

However, there are massive costs involved in developing mobile game apps, which can be mitigated by outsourcing mobile game development to a mobile game app development company to simplify the process. 

In this blog, we will walk you through when it is better to outsource mobile game development and the factors to consider while choosing a mobile game development company.

When is the best time to Outsource Mobile Game App Development?

Many gaming app companies complete mobile game app development projects by hiring a full-time game app development team or by outsourcing tasks to a mobile game app development. 

However, there are many situations when outsourcing mobile game app development is profitable. The following are the situations when you should outsource mobile game development:

Planning complex projects

Every game project involves earning maximum profits, and to achieve this vision, gaming companies choose cross-platform development to reach a wider audience. 

However, this approach can be tricky, especially when handling and working on complex functionality projects and projects requiring robust graphic requirements. 

To simplify the challenging projects and achieve the vision, you must outsource the game development process to a mobile game development outsourcing company who have the required experience & knowledge to handle challenging projects and deliver your visioned results.

At Polymator, we have the most experienced game development team who have immense expertise in handling complex projects with ease and delivering spectacular results by exceeding your expectations.

Limited Budget

It becomes arduous for gaming app companies to complete the project within the allotted budget, especially when the budget is limited or crosses the budget line.

Gaming app developers might not be able their express their creativity to the fullest as they will have limited freedom to showcase their creativity & skills due to a limited budget. Hence, it is advisable to outsource the project or specific tasks to a game outsourcing company that will handle and complete the allotted tasks within the allocated budget.

At Polymator, we comprehend our client’s vision, game requirements, and budget. And accordingly, we formulate a plan to complete their allotted tasks within their budget & meeting their expectations.

Insufficient Time

Gaming app companies work with a vision to release the game within their visioned timeframe in the market. However, due to many complex factors and unexpected challenges, they are not able to release the gaming app on time in the market. Hence, it is advisable to outsource the mobile game development.

Outsourcing companies are flexible and have immense expertise in working within the dedicated time frame and delivering you the finished app well before time. It will help you release your gaming app before the deadline in the market to start getting ROI.

Absence of specific software & tools

The professional mobile game development process requires high-level game engines, software, and tools for 3D Development, 3D Animation, 3D Visual Elements, 3D textures, and more. E.g., developing a mobile game in Unity or Unreal Engine makes the processes faster and delivers premier quality results. 

However, these gaming engines & software require significant investment and cost, making it sensible to outsource the process to a game development company with the necessary game engines and software for your game development.

At Polymator, we offer Unity Game Development Services, and we have the most competent Unity game development team who are well-versed in developing mobile games on Unity.

Not having an in-house team

Many companies are passionate about making games. However, they lack a talented and proficient gaming app development team in-house for developing games. 

Hence it is financially viable to outsource the game development tasks and processes to a game development outsourcing company with a specialized team and they have the required expertise & knowledge for making the mobile games. 

They are regularly trained & updated on advanced tools & software to deliver magnificent results to the clients. Outsourcing the game development process will help you save significant costs on hiring resources, training them regularly, and updating them with the latest updates.

At Polymator, we provide mobile game development outsourcing services to take off the burden from you for mobile game development. We will take care of your entire mobile game development process to deliver you a completed mobile game.

Factors to Consider for Choosing a Game Development Company


Ensure the game development company you choose specializes in various mobile gaming projects to help you meet your required vision, ideas, and concept for your mobile game app. The game app development company should be specialized in multiple game development tasks.


You must pay attention to the overall experience of the game development team you hire for your mobile game development. Experience speaks volumes, and exhibits highly professional attitude & creativity to attain the set benchmark for every game development.

Skilled team

You must also ensure that the game development team you are hiring is skilled in various genres, gameplay, and topics. The game development team should be proficient in multiple game development phases.

They should have the required team of game developers, designers, modelers, animators, QA engineers, scriptwriters, texturing artists, and an audio team.


Another pivotal factor to consider is going through the client reviews, testimonials, and portfolio of the game development company and the team you are hiring. 

It will help you comprehend whether the team and company are capable of achieving your desired game vision by turning it into reality.


Last but not least. Maintaining fair transparency in Communication between internal teams and clients is vital to ensure the game is being developed according to the client’s concept and ideas. 

Coordination and Communication ensure that the company works as per the client’s vision and the time zone in which the client is based.


After reading the blog, you will have a comprehensive understanding of when is the best time to outsource mobile game development and the factors to consider for choosing a mobile game app development company. 

It is always advisable keeping the modern-day rapidly changing environments and fast-growing technology to outsource the mobile game development process to stay worry-free of constantly upgrading software & tools and training your workforce. 

However, if you need more tips or have questions regarding the mobile game development process, feel free to contact us.

At Polymator, we provide comprehensive mobile game app development services and Unity mobile game app development services

We have highly qualified & professional mobile game app developers, designers, modelers, animators, QA engineers, audio team, and scriptwriters with immense experience and knowledge to add a spectacular and exquisite touch to your mobile game. 

We will deliver you the mobile game app within the dedicated time frame to help you release the app rapidly in the market so you start getting ROI. 

Contact us for a consultation and quotation for your mobile game app. And alternatively, you can email us your game requirements at contact@polymator.com.

About Author: Polymator Interactive
KP is a veteran of the gaming industry with over 22+ years of experience in Mobile Games, 3D graphics and AR-VR Apps. As the founder and CEO, he is a driving force behind some of the industry's most innovative and cutting-edge projects.
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