Android Game Development Services

Android Game Development Services

Do you have a thrilling game idea but unsure how to turn it into a game?

Keep your doubts aside and join hands with one of the top Android Game Development company in India. We offer a complete range of Android game app development services.

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Game Concept and Design

Game Concept and Design

Our team of talented visualizers and creative designers collaborates closely to bring your game concept to life. We understand the importance of crafting unique and engaging game concepts that stand out in the market. From brainstorming sessions to sketching out ideas, we work diligently to create captivating storylines that immerse players in exciting adventures. Our designers pay attention to every detail to ensure visually stunning graphics and it complements the overall theme of your game. We believe it’s important to leave your first impression on your players. We will help you to make it one.

By hiring an Android game developer from our team, you can turn your game idea into reality. Our skilled Android game developers pay close attention to every detail that will engage your target audience.

Take your game to the next level – Hire Android Game Developer. By hiring an Android game developer from Polymator, we’ll bring your game to life with innovative visuals and an engaging storyline that will captivate your target audience. Our skilled Android game designers are dedicated to creating visually stunning environments and elements that will grab the attention of players and draw them into the game.

Hire Android Game Developer
Game Development and Programming

Game Development and Programming

With our expertise in advanced game engines like Unity 3D and programming languages, our skilled developers are proficient in translating your game concept into a fully functional Android game. We prioritize smooth gameplay, intuitive controls, and seamless performance to provide players with an immersive and enjoyable experience. We prioritize smooth performance and optimization to ensure your game runs flawlessly on various Android devices.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Quality Assurance and Testing

Quality assurance is a top priority for us at Polymator. We believe in delivering a bug-free and polished gaming experience to our clients. Our dedicated quality assurance team rigorously tests your game on different Android devices, ensuring compatibility and identifying any potential issues. From comprehensive testing to thorough bug fixing, we leave no stone unturned to provide players with a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience. User experience testing plays a vital role in our process as well. We actively seek feedback from players and incorporate their suggestions to refine your game, ensuring optimal player satisfaction.

Post Release Support

Post Release Support

Polymator is committed to supporting you beyond the initial development stage. We take care of publishing it to the Google Play Store and make sure it delivers an experience to its global audience. We understand that maintaining and updating your game is crucial for its success. We offer post development support, including regular updates and maintenance of your published game, to make sure it is running smoothly. We also provide assistance with marketing and monetization strategies, helping you maximize the potential of your game in the competitive mobile gaming market.

Choose Polymator for professional Android game development services. Contact us today to discuss your project and let us help you create an exceptional Android game.

Android Game Development Process

We are a studio with a deep understanding of Android game development. We offer a wide range of android game development services. Our team of skilled android game developers has successfully delivered a wide range of Android games, catering to diverse genres and player preferences. Our Android Game Developers have the immense technical expertise, artistic and vision to develop cross-platform games from a vivid idea to a spectacular finished product.

To develop a successful android game, it requires a well crafted process. Here is a brief overview of our android game development process:

Conceptualization Phase

Conceptualization Phase

During this phase, the game idea is conceptualized along with overall designs, gameplay mechanics and visual elements. Storylines, characters, and game levels are also defined during this phase and a GDD is made.

Graphics and Assets Creation

Graphics and Assets Creation

Graphics designers and artists create 2D or 3D assets as per the concept requirement. It includes characters, backgrounds, objects and animations. They ensure the game has an appealing and consistent visual style.

Game Development and Programming

Game Development and Programming

Developers uses advanced game engines such as Unity 3D and programming languages like C# to build the game. They work on implementing core mechanics, gameplay features and audio-visual elements.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Quality Assurance and Testing

Rigorous testing is conducted to identify any bugs or issues in the game. This involves functional testing, performance testing, compatibility testing on various Android devices, and gathering user feedback to refine the game.

Deployment and Publishing

Deployment and Publishing

Once the game is bug-free, it is prepared for its final deployment. Before final upload, we make sure it’s optimized for best performance, it’s bug free and it is following the necessary guidelines for submission to the Google Play Store.

Post Release Support

Post Release Support

We provide ongoing support even after the game is released. Post release support includes regular updates, bug fixes by providing necessary maintenance support to ensure the game stays relevant and offers an enjoyable playing experience.

Technologies We Work With

Google Play

Google Play

C# Icon


Unity 3D Icon

Unity 3D

BuildBox Icon




AWS Icon


Google Cloud Icon

Google Cloud

Photon Icon


Firebase Icon


Why Choose Polymator

At Polymator, we will help you to build an Android game with a gripping storyline that hooks its players and aesthetics that delivers a great user experience. While working with us, you will save a lot of time and money to set up hi-tech in-house infrastructure, procure expensive softwares and tools and a lot of effort in recruitment of skilled people and their training etc.

We have the right infrastructure, high end Hardware and tools in place along with a qualified and skilled team well-equipped with expertise and knowledge of how to make a great Android Game. In Addition to this we offer:

Skilled Workforce: Get access to a passionate team with deep understanding of Android Games ready to craft engaging games, tailored for your needs.

Commitment to Quality: We aim to deliver a high quality game that exceeds your expectations

Successful Track Record: We have a successful track record of producing exciting and engaging android games for all genres

Collaborative Approach: We involve our clients in every step of the development process and we value their feedback to ensure your game reflects your creative vision.

Competitive Pricing: We offer flexible engagement models and competitive pricing to cater to your specific budget requirements.

Why Polymator for 3D & Game Development

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find a list of detailed and answers. Don’t worry if you still have some doubts. Our experts would love to answer your questions.

Why focusing on the Android Gaming market is critical for any game developer?

Focusing on the Android gaming market is crucial for game developers due to its significant market size and global reach. Android dominates the mobile market, accounting for over 70% of the worldwide market share (StatCounter, 2022). With millions of active Android users globally, targeting this platform provides a tremendous opportunity to reach a large audience of potential players.

Google Play Store is the primary app distribution platform for Android. It offers a vast selection of games and attracts billions of downloads each year. In 2022 alone, the Google Play Store reported over 47 billion game downloads worldwide (Google Play, 2022). These statistics highlight the immense popularity and potential for success in the Android gaming market.

By focusing on the Android gaming market, game developers can tap into a diverse and engaged user base, capitalize on the platform’s global presence, and increase their chances of reaching a wide audience, driving downloads, and achieving commercial success.

What are the primary advantages of Outsourcing Android Game Development Services to a professional Studio?

Outsourcing Android game development services to a professional studio brings several advantages. Some of the major benefits are as follows:

  • Benefit of a team of experienced professionals specializing in Android game development with a deep understanding of Android game development.
  • Time and resource savings as the studio handles various aspects of the development process.
  • Focus on other aspects of your business while the studio takes care of game development.
  • Studios are expert in utilizing advanced game engines and programming languages.
  • Efficient project management and timely delivery.
  • Assistance with integrating monetization features and maximizing revenue generation.
  • Ongoing support, updates, and maintenance services.

Which development platform is best for Android Game Development?

Unity 3D is considered as one of the best development platform for developing android games. Unity 3 offers features that make it easier for developers to create visually stunning and interactive android games. Unity 3D provides a user-friendly interface and supports cross-platform compatibility, allowing developers to create engaging android games.

How much does it cost to develop an Android Game and how long does it usually take?

The cost and timeline may vary based on various factors such as: complexity of the concept, required graphics, animations and additional advanced features such as multiplayer or integration of AI. A simple game with basic features may take a few weeks to develop while a complex game with advanced features could take several months of development timeline.

How do you ensure the performance and optimization of Android games?

Ensuring the performance and optimization of Android games is essential to deliver a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. Developers employ various techniques such as optimizing graphics & animations, writing a well structured and optimized code by using advanced game engines to achieve this. Rigorous testing on multiple Android devices helps to identify and address any performance related or compatibility issues. The goal is to provide seamless gameplay, fast loading times, and efficient utilization of system resources.

What programming languages are commonly used for Android game development?

Commonly used programming languages for Android game development is C#. C# is commonly used in conjunction with the Unity 3D game engine, offering versatility and power for creating interactive and immersive gaming experiences on Android devices.

Can you assist with integrating monetization features into Android games?

Yes, Polymator can assist with monetization features into Android games. This includes implementing in-app purchases, ad placements, rewarded videos and other strategies to generate revenue from your game. The development team will work closely with you to understand your monetization goals and implement suitable strategies that align with your game’s concept and target audience. The aim is to strike a balance between revenue generation and maintaining a positive user experience.

What programming languages are commonly used for Android game development?

Commonly used programming languages for Android game development is C#. C# is commonly used in conjunction with the Unity 3D game engine, offering versatility and power for creating interactive and immersive gaming experiences on Android devices.

Can you assist with integrating monetization features into Android games?

Yes, Polymator can assist with monetization features into Android games. This includes implementing in-app purchases, ad placements, rewarded videos and other strategies to generate revenue from your game. The development team will work closely with you to understand your monetization goals and implement suitable strategies that align with your game’s concept and target audience. The aim is to strike a balance between revenue generation and maintaining a positive user experience.

What are the considerations for testing and quality assurance in Android game development?

Testing and quality assurance play a crucial role in Android game development. Developers conduct comprehensive testing on various Android devices to ensure compatibility and identify any bugs or performance issues. This includes functional testing, performance testing and compatibility testing on various devices. Quality assurance also involves extensive play testing to gather user feedback and address any issues, resulting in an enjoyable gaming experience.

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